Friday, December 31, 2010

Happ New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year's eve!!!!I hope you have the best New Year's ever!(not the best one EVER cuz that leaves bad expectations and results for next year) I dont really have any plans for tonight, except going to my brother's girlfriend's house...Hopefully it will be fun...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Presents

You may have thought that I have forgotten about this blog website thingy, but I have not. I have been busy working on Christmas presents. Once Christmas is over I shall post pictures of those presents. I cannot do so quiet yet because that might spoil the surprise to whoever I am giving the present to if they look at this website blog thingy <- ^ ->

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So a few months ago we started feeding a stray kitty-well teenagerish cat- in our neighborhood. At first he was really shy and afraid of us, nut now he is adorable and playful. A few weeks ago we got him his shots and such and we let him come in the house. Now he is making himself comfortable and has been having great fun with some toy mice that we have that my older cat is apparently "too cool" to play with.
            So today I was doing my language arts homework on the floor of my bedroom and our stray kitty, Mr. O'Malley (named after Thomas O' Malley from the Aristocats), comes in the room to see what I was up to. I started petting him, and after a while he sat down. I shifted my paper slightly at one point, and Mr. O leaped on top of it, biting holes in it. So now I have holes in my language arts review sheet for our test tomorrow that I need to turn in. I wonder what my teacher will think... 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

I think that the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret has such cool artwork. I think that it is charcole, or maybe pencil. It is a a 500+ page book with lots of pictures as well as words telling a story about a boy in Paris in 1931 and his fathers notebook. It's a cool book, you should read it sometime!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


     So I just spent about 45 minutes through 1 1/2 hour on a language arts assignment. The assignment was to illustrate pictures of idioms, similes, and metefores. So it took me forever to do it, and I thought I did a fairly good job considering im not especially good and doing that type of drawing, and I completely messed up... I stood up to leave my desk when I finished it, and as I'm walking away, I spilled the ccranberry juice that i was drinking all over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that I was going to have to redo it, but thankfully, when it dried it looked ok for the most part. Hopefully i still get a good grade on it since now it is kind of wrinkled now...