Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Day to Remember-Homesick Album Cover

AHHHH! Im back!
                     So for by brother's Cristmas present I painted him the cover of the A Day to Remember album "Homesick". Here is what it is supposed to look like:  
Here's what mine looked like:
 I think that my colors are a bit too bright, but I think that I did a good job... It took FOREVER!!!!! I hope that he likes it!


Friday, December 31, 2010

Happ New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year's eve!!!!I hope you have the best New Year's ever!(not the best one EVER cuz that leaves bad expectations and results for next year) I dont really have any plans for tonight, except going to my brother's girlfriend's house...Hopefully it will be fun...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Presents

You may have thought that I have forgotten about this blog website thingy, but I have not. I have been busy working on Christmas presents. Once Christmas is over I shall post pictures of those presents. I cannot do so quiet yet because that might spoil the surprise to whoever I am giving the present to if they look at this website blog thingy <- ^ ->

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So a few months ago we started feeding a stray kitty-well teenagerish cat- in our neighborhood. At first he was really shy and afraid of us, nut now he is adorable and playful. A few weeks ago we got him his shots and such and we let him come in the house. Now he is making himself comfortable and has been having great fun with some toy mice that we have that my older cat is apparently "too cool" to play with.
            So today I was doing my language arts homework on the floor of my bedroom and our stray kitty, Mr. O'Malley (named after Thomas O' Malley from the Aristocats), comes in the room to see what I was up to. I started petting him, and after a while he sat down. I shifted my paper slightly at one point, and Mr. O leaped on top of it, biting holes in it. So now I have holes in my language arts review sheet for our test tomorrow that I need to turn in. I wonder what my teacher will think... 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

I think that the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret has such cool artwork. I think that it is charcole, or maybe pencil. It is a a 500+ page book with lots of pictures as well as words telling a story about a boy in Paris in 1931 and his fathers notebook. It's a cool book, you should read it sometime!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


     So I just spent about 45 minutes through 1 1/2 hour on a language arts assignment. The assignment was to illustrate pictures of idioms, similes, and metefores. So it took me forever to do it, and I thought I did a fairly good job considering im not especially good and doing that type of drawing, and I completely messed up... I stood up to leave my desk when I finished it, and as I'm walking away, I spilled the ccranberry juice that i was drinking all over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that I was going to have to redo it, but thankfully, when it dried it looked ok for the most part. Hopefully i still get a good grade on it since now it is kind of wrinkled now...

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Vans :D

One of my favorite pairs. This lovely Vans are "colored" by Crayola. The fabulous checkerboard patter with Crayola crayon scribbles coloring them in. What could be more fitting for a young artist?

Here is my oldest pair. They were originally light and dark blue, but sadly I cannot wear blue at my school because it is a gang color in my area. So what i did-since I did not want to buy have to pay for new shoes-was I painted them. It was very easy. What I did was I got some bottles of acrylic paint and did a few coats of it on the shoe. I should say to let the paint dry for 2-4 days before wearing, but I never follow those rule, so use your best judgement. And for the shoe laces is, I took some embroidery floss (2x the length that you need) and twisted tightly. Then I folded the twisted the twisted strings in half. The strings-now folded in half- will twist around each other to form a thicker rope-like string. on the ends of the shoe lace, wrap some tape tightly around it to make an aglet that can be easily put through the eyelets. Thread the shoelace through the eyelets as you normally would, and TAH-DAHHH, your magically shoes are complete!
And well, these shoes have really nothing to do with art. They are just so comfortable. I thought that I should post them too so that they wouldn't feel left out. And so you could see my last pair of cool shoes...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Running Colors

One of my very favorite things about painting is when you are done and you are washing the thing that you had your paints on and as soon as the stream of water coming from the sink hits it, all of the vibrant colors run everywhere and mix together, usually to form a icky brown color or a very nice deep teal.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Harry Potter Theme Song

Here is a video of me playing the Harry Potter theme song on my flute. If you have looked on my profile yet you would know that as well as art, I also enjoy the Harry Potter books and playing my flute so here is a combination of the two. A few weeks ago my cousin and I tried to figure out the notes. I think we did a pretty good job. I really do wish though that I hadn't taken so many breaths!!! *Note: We didn't write the song, we do not take credit for it. Please person who really did write the song, do not sue me. Please.*  ENJOY!

Late Autumn

I painted this picture with acrylics on a canvas in October for the October Fest at my church. It went up for the silent auction and sold for $15. The idea started with a picture that I took in Oregon from '07, but it moved away from winter and much more into fall.                              

Pine Trees on a Cloudy Day

I think that this picture I painted today looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. It was done with acrylics on canvas paper. I got the idea from watching Bob Ross on youtube for like 3 minutes this morning, haha. Notice the very thin layer of fog over the trees that I put on the picture. You can see it over to the lower mid- right

Ferris Wheel

I realize that this picture I painted today looks like a 1st grader did it, but oh well, I still like it. I painted it with watercolors on watercolor paper. I really have no idea where I got this idea. I think it started with the idea of the  lights on the ferris wheel up against the night sky.

Jack Skellington

I love this picture! I drew this, I think, about a year ago, near last Halloween. I spent what seemed like forever perfecting how to draw Jack Skellington. I learned how from this tutorial. I love that website. You can find out how to draw nearly anything from it! .

Butterfly Guitar

This one was done 2 years ago when I was taking an art class. It was done on a piece of printer paper with oil pastels.

Tree by Bridges

I painted this picture last fall for an art show I was invited to be in. I don't really remember, but it is probably acrylics on card stock I think... I used a sponge to do the leaves on the tree as well as the grass.